Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our travels from La Paz to Puerto Escondido (Picture Time)

Since we have an internet connection for a short time, I am posting pictures from our travels from since leaving La Paz on June 2nd.

Ridge hike on Isla San Francisco
Beach Cemetery at San Evaristo
Agua Verde oasis
Pelican gathering in Agua Verde
Yes, this bug was already dead when Derrick found it

Sundown party with Jaye on Winsome and Alice and Kim on Philiosophy
 A Sunday visit to the sail boats in Agua Verde is a tradition
So happy to be in Honeymoon Cove on Isla Danzante
Interabang at anchor in Honeymoon Cove
A fabulous hike we discovered by accident on the backside of Isla Danzante
Yellowstone Beach on Isla Monserrate - a new favorite anchorage

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Anchors Aweigh

After several months in La Paz making repairs and upgrades to the boat, we were ready for the 350 mile trip to Bahia de los Angeles for hurricane season.  A few minor items lingered on the project list, but all of the big stuff was completed.  It seemed that our scrambling for boat parts was finally over.  When one morning, out of the blue, Trisha asks “should we get a new anchor?”  It was a very good question.  Anchor technology has come a long way since our trusty Bruce Anchor was designed back in the 1970s.  The Bruce has generally done a good job for us but it has trouble setting in hard bottoms and needs a large amount of scope (length of chain attaching the boat to the anchor) in high winds.  Most importantly, performances studies have shown that the new anchor designs on the market provide far more holding power than the Bruce.  For those nights when high winds scream across the boat, an anchor upgrade would bring a higher margin of safety and peace of mind.  After some internet research and discussions with fellow cruisers, we decided to buy a Rocna Anchor.

Results of comparison testing of different anchors:
The Bruce is the second on the left and the Rocna is on the far right
The first step was selecting the size.  Our Bruce anchor weighs 20 kilograms (44 pounds) and is a bit undersized for our boat.  After studying the sizing chart on the Rocna website, we decided to go with a 33 kilogram Rocna (72 pounds).  This is a big jump in size and weight but the next time we see 60 knots of wind were going to feel real good about the decision.  Next came the purchase, with the help of Rick on Hotel California and Michael on Milagro we got a great price on the Rocna and sold one of our old anchors.  Just one problem, the new anchor was at West Marine in San Diego.  Fortunately, we found a cruiser who was making a round trip drive to San Diego.  For a nominal fee, he picked up our anchor and delivered it to us at the marina in La Paz.  Finally, several modifications had to be made on Interabang’s bow to accommodate the larger anchor.

BEFORE:  Our bow with the Bruce anchor
AFTER:  Our bow with the Rocna anchor
We love our new anchor.  After fifteen drops, we find that it sets the first try every time.  Also, once set, there is no creep in our GPS numbers after a windy night or significant changes in wind direction.  The Rocna is fabulous.

This is how happy Trisha is about the new anchor

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Where is Interabang? (Trisha's blog)

It's been quite awhile since we've blogged. We spent the winter and spring in beautiful La Paz and enjoyed an extended stay in one place (sort of) and becoming part of the boating community there. Most our nights were spent at anchor in the Bay off of the town. It can become very expensive to live in a Marina in Mexico and we are trying to make our kitty last.

We renewed our temporary resident cards and that made it necessary to stay in La Paz during that two month process. In late March, we said "Hasta Luego" to our good friends Kyra and Rick of Nyon who sailed off to the South Pacific. In April was Bayfest - a festival of games, seminars, food and drink that took place in La Paz. Derrick and Scotty of Ula Lena took the championship in beach bocce ball. I also went to Buffalo in April to visit family and friends and had a wonderful time while Derrick stayed on the boat, working to get it ready for another summer in the Sea of Cortez.

We left the La Paz area on June 2nd and have been slowly making our way north up the Baja coast. We've been to Isla San Francisco, San Evaristo, Agua Verde, Bahia Candeleros, Isla Danzante, Isla Monserrate. I will post pictures when we have an internet connection.

We are now in a lovely anchorage called Caleta Candeleros Chico (Little Candlestick Cove) that is only large enough for one boat. The breeze is keeping us cooler than we've been in days, there are no bees (that's a whole different story), Derrick is out with his speargun getting us dinner and I am writing this blog. Life is good.

A very good friend, whom we met at the start of our time in Mexico, wrote me an email yesterday asking where we were and what we were doing. She said she checked our blog and it told her nothing. So this blog is for you, Rosanna (and Rick) of Tension Reliever. We are in the Baja and beginning our second summer in the Sea. We miss you and all of our family and friends and I think of you all often.

Oh, and I'm going to miss my High School Reunion that takes place in about a week. I've made it to all but one of the Reunions that take place every 5 years and I'm sad to be missing this one. So if anyone is reading this before the Reunion (Dan?), please send my regards and know that I really wish I could be there.

I'll try to stay in touch.

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