Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Leaving La Cruz

The plan had been to spend a couple of weeks in La Cruz followed by several weeks of anchor hopping south to Manzanillo.  Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate.  Day after day the forecast told of southerly winds and seas.  These would be blowing and rolling into the anchorages along the way making for sleepless nights and dangerous dinghy landings.  Conversations with northbound boats passing through La Cruz confirmed the rough conditions we feared.  We thought it best to stay put in the protection of Banderas Bay and go farther south next year.  Next thing you know, two months slipped by.

We made the most of our time in La Cruz.  For 540 pesos ($42/USD), we signed up at Casa Maru’s Cruiser Comfort Inn.  The fee provided us with a nice place to relax and seven showers each (towels, soap and shampoo included).  In addition, we enjoyed unlimited access to a clean restroom, bottled drinking water, the internet and the company of fellow cruisers, many of whom became our friends.  Casa Maru allows continued use of the facility so long as at least one untaken shower remains on your membership.  We made our showers last two months.  Having unlimited internet access was the most valuable of the benefits.  We ordered boat parts from the US, did our income taxes, and booked a return trip home to California/New York in April.

Another La Cruz highlight was meeting and getting to know Kevan on Alex II.  Kevan is a Kiwi single-hander who has been in Mexico a year longer than we have.  He has shared countless tips on Mexico, including guiding us through the FM3 process, and providing us with a greater understanding of New Zealand and Australia.  When we make the passage north to Mazatlan, we will be buddy boating with Alex II.
Kevan of Alex II and Trisha

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