Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Picture Time

Still in La Cruz, we don't have any "sea" adventures to report. We love hanging out here and have been having a fabulous time.  Here are some pictures that have not made it into previous blogs.

A few weeks ago, Trisha's brother John and his girlfriend Keren visited Puerto Vallarta and it was great to see family and hang out with them.

A poolside regular at the resort where John and Keren stayed

Sailing did not agree with John this day - probably the margaritas...
Trisha in the bean aisle at the Mega Grocery store
Sand sculpture on the beach in Puerto Vallarta

Fabulous tile store in Puerto Vallarta
This butterfly landed on Trisha's shirt walking down the street
Kevan of Alex II and Trisha posing for the camera
Trisha's first attempt at making sushi - Success!
Double rainbow in the anchorage

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